It’s A Date — Your 2018 Social Media Diary

Think­ing up new and cre­ative post ideas for social media can be hard work but it does­n’t have to be with these sim­ple steps:

1. Create A Social Media Strategy

Hav­ing a social media mar­ket­ing plan will help you to under­stand why you are tweet­ing, who you are tar­get­ting your posts at and what your Ins­ta goals are. Once you know this, it becomes eas­i­er to think of and focus your posts.

2. Get A Social Media Planner

A con­tent cal­en­dar will pro­vide you with an overview of your month­ly social media con­tent, enabling you to tai­lor con­tent depend­ing on the day of the week, time of the month and what you have recent­ly post­ed about. #TBT

3. Promote Your Blogs

If you’re not blog­ging, you should be and what bet­ter way to pro­mote your new blog con­tent, than with social media posts. One blog post should cre­ate at least two social media posts — simple. 

4. Use Diary Date Prompts

There are hun­dreds of nation­al hol­i­days and recog­ni­tion days (Ice Cream For Break­fast Day being a per­son­al favourite) that can inspire you to pro­duce cre­ative social media con­tent. Just make sure that it bears some rel­e­vance to your busi­ness, cus­tomers or mes­sage and you’re good to go. We’ve cre­at­ed an info­graph­ic of the main ones below — down­load it and stick it on your wall, notice­board or fridge. 

5. Use An Expert

Think­ing up new, rel­e­vant and engag­ing social media posts may not be your thing but it will def­i­nite­ly be some­one else’s. If the con­stant pro­duc­tion of social media con­tent is becom­ing a drag, con­sid­er using a pro­fes­sion­al con­tent writer who can help by:

  • Work­ing with you to cre­ate a social media sched­ule;
  • Proof­read­ing and improve the SEO con­tent of social media posts writ­ten by you; or
  • Tak­ing over the hard work and man­ag­ing your social media accounts for you.

A Way With Words pro­vides social media man­age­ment for a num­ber of clients, sav­ing them time to pro­duce rel­e­vant, beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten and cre­ate social media copy. All from a lap­top in Mil­ton Keynes.

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