Hello February

January February

With what felt like the longest month this year, now that Jan­u­ary is out of the way, let’s have a quick look at what A Way With Words was up to:

Young Enterprise 2018

A Way With Words fol­lowed Expand­ly to the 2018 Mil­ton Keynes Young Enter­prise trade fair and awards. Writ­ing Expand­ly’s com­pa­ny pro­file in the pro­gramme, we also pro­duced a fol­low-up blog pro­vid­ing cov­er­age of the event, which boost­ed Expand­ly’s CSR cov­er­age on their web­site. Well done Expand­ly for sup­port­ing such a great cause and an even big­ger well done to all of the bud­ding entre­pre­neurs that took part. 

Your carriage awaits

New­port Pag­nell Car­ni­val Court is hold­ing their Car­ni­val Queen and Princess selec­tion evening next month and we were roy­al­ly pleased to drum up inter­est with sched­uled blogs and social media posts. A huge event in any girl’s life, we’ll be attend­ing the event to sup­port the entrants and to pro­vide full cov­er­age on the web­site and in the local press. Watch this space to see who the lucky win­ners are. 

When will I, will I be famous?

The day has come for one lucky actor who asked A Way With Words to get her onto Wikipedia. Once the do not even go there source, Wikipedia is now a respect­ed and reli­able online ency­clo­pe­dia and too right — requir­ing exten­sive, inde­pen­dent and notable sources and cov­er­age of the per­son in ques­tion, when you’ve made it on Wiki, you’ve made it. 


A Way With Words was excit­ed to be involved in a request-for-pro­pos­al (RFP) that went per­fect­ly. When pro­duc­ing a request for pro­pos­al, spelling, gram­mar and con­sis­ten­cy are key — you just need one word-hot drag­on to spot your mis­take and you can go from let’s get these guys in to next. This client pro­duced a pitch-per­fect RFP that we had the plea­sure of proof­read­ing (hel­lo 6am start) and we are pleased to say that we also had the plea­sure of join­ing the team in a cel­e­bra­to­ry gin (or two) when they were invit­ed in to show how pitch-per­fect they real­ly were. Con­grat­u­la­tions guys!

And finally

A Way With Words was also busy itself writ­ing blogs on social media diary dates, why you should blog and how to write about dif­fer­ent top­ics, as well as updat­ing its ser­vices page

January, you’ve been joyous! Here’s to a fantastic Feb!

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