January blues

A Way With Words - Copywriter Milton Keynes - Blog Image - January

We’ve got two weeks until Blue Mon­day, mean­ing that I’ve got two weeks to tone down my excite­ment of get­ting back to copy­writ­ing after the Christ­mas break. 

Sure, Bai­leys for break­fast, mince pies for elevens­es and mulled wine for hydra­tion has its perks, but after a week and a half of What­sApp being my sole cre­ative out­let, I’m ready to get back in the game. So, what’s in store for January?

Most popular topic

This month, the most pop­u­lar top­ic I’ll be writ­ing about is IR35. Com­ing into force in April this year, I’m work­ing on a series of blogs, guides and leaflets on the top­ic of tax.

My main aim: to ensure that tax isn’t taxing.

New work

New year, new work. I’ve been assigned some inter­est­ing new projects this month already, includ­ing a plan­ning award, web copy for a solic­i­tors’ prac­tice and some blogs on the con­struc­tion industry.

I’m most excit­ed about: refresh­ing my legal prose.

Business updates

Awaywithwords.ink is being refreshed ahead of its com­plete revamp in the com­ing months. Oth­er changes you’ll notice in the next few weeks include an updat­ed port­fo­lio, social media res­ur­rec­tion and more names pop­ping into the “who we work with” sec­tion on the front page.

I promise to: do this.

What I’m reading

I’m a goal set­ter and have chal­lenged myself to read a book a month in 2020. While you might expect me to be an avid read­er (which I am), when you’re writ­ing and read­ing all day, some­times Net­flix has more appeal at night. But not this year (at least not until after I’ve fin­ished You.)

This mon­th’s book: Dracula.

And that should be enough to keep me occu­pied. If Blue Mon­day has got you stressed about any of your own con­tent this Jan­u­ary, get in touch to see how A Way With Words can help. 

About A Way With Words

A Way With Words was born out of a legal career that took a sharp left. If you’d like to see how I can help with your copy, get in touch today.



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