In the same way that a builder neglects his house, I am guilty of neglecting my website. Sure, 2019 was busy with lots of new clients, plenty of writing work and a 42 km jog around London, but that’s no excuse.
Am I sorry? 100%. Am I going to try better in 2020? Definitely, and here’s a selection of what’s to come:
In 2019, I spent many a sleepless night working on a sister company to A Way With Words. Delivering the same outstanding service, but with a more focused twist, all will be revealed shortly.
This website will also be undergoing a much-needed revamp, and we’re not just talking blogs. While this design served me well during the early days, it’s time for a new and updated look. Watch this space.
Chit chat
One of the (many) excuses I made to myself about not keeping up with my own blog was that I didn’t know what to write about. Not the best words to be uttered by a copywriter, but it’s the truth. While I have no problem coming up with blog ideas for clients, I’ve not been entirely sure whether this blog should be for writing tips, examples of my work, or just a five-minute chuckle about the life of a copywriter. Going forward, it will be a conversational mix of all three.
Yep, it’s not just my blog that’s been missing in action, my social posts have too. Expect more tweets, posts, shares and comments in the coming months, just for you.
You’ll be glad to hear that my clients have all be feeling the love in the past year, with plenty of projects, words and content. In 2020, I’ll be working on a huge variety of projects including user guides, blogs, long-form content, white papers, award applications and much more.
If you’d like to be a part of my 2020, then get in touch today. And, if you notice me slacking on any of my promises, feel free to give me a prod.
About A Way With Words
A Way With Words is a copywriting service based in Milton Keynes but working across the globe. Don’t struggle with content, get in touch today.