It’s Friday, it’s late, we’ve been blog writing, article writing and you-name-it writing and now it’s time to kick back with a blog about exactly what’s been keeping us so busy this week in sunny (and very hot) Milton Keynes.
With folks like me on the job from 9 to 5
Our regular client Expandly is on the search for an apprentice superstar but before it introduces the youth of today to the work, coffee breaks and Friday drinks of tomorrow, Expandly needed a job description that was accurate but not boring. We worked with Expandly to make the job ad fun, factual and flipping great.
Employ me
Those thinking of applying to Expandly (do, it’s also flipping great!) might want to head over to one of our other client’s websites, where we’ve been writing blogs on summer job hunting (had me a blast) and creating the perfect LinkedIn profile. Did you know that 94% of recruiters are vetting candidates on LinkedIn before they’ve even had an uncomfortable ten minutes sitting in reception and pretending to read the brochures?
If I had a hammer
We wouldn’t quite know what to do with it but we would know where to go for planning advice. This week we worked with Milton Keynes Council on amending its Planning Guide – the guide to all things planning. Understanding technical information and transforming it into engaging and understandable content was the order of the day, which we love.
Here come the Men in Black
Robots are taking over the world in the form of AI and machine learning and we’re here to write about it. One of our international clients (fancy!) wanted a blog all about machine learning and its uses for remarketing. Unfortunately, we’d already got to the end of our research when we realised a machine could have done it for us.
Paperback writer
Not quite but this week we were working with a PR consultancy writing magazine content on a very sensitive issue. A completely different style of writing that tested our skills and made our mums proud.
No rest for the wicked
On top of that, we’ve had client meetings, emails and a tone of chocolate buttons. And on top of, on top of that, it’s been hot.