A Hard Day’s Night

A Way With Words

It’s Fri­day, it’s late, we’ve been blog writ­ing, arti­cle writ­ing and you-name-it writ­ing and now it’s time to kick back with a blog about exact­ly what’s been keep­ing us so busy this week in sun­ny (and very hot) Mil­ton Keynes. 

With folks like me on the job from 9 to 5

Our reg­u­lar client Expand­ly is on the search for an appren­tice super­star but before it intro­duces the youth of today to the work, cof­fee breaks and Fri­day drinks of tomor­row, Expand­ly need­ed a job descrip­tion that was accu­rate but not bor­ing. We worked with Expand­ly to make the job ad fun, fac­tu­al and flip­ping great.

Employ me

Those think­ing of apply­ing to Expand­ly (do, it’s also flip­ping great!) might want to head over to one of our oth­er client’s web­sites, where we’ve been writ­ing blogs on sum­mer job hunt­ing (had me a blast) and cre­at­ing the per­fect LinkedIn pro­file. Did you know that 94% of recruiters are vet­ting can­di­dates on LinkedIn before they’ve even had an uncom­fort­able ten min­utes sit­ting in recep­tion and pre­tend­ing to read the brochures?

If I had a hammer

We wouldn’t quite know what to do with it but we would know where to go for plan­ning advice. This week we worked with Mil­ton Keynes Coun­cil on amend­ing its Plan­ning Guide – the guide to all things plan­ning. Under­stand­ing tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion and trans­form­ing it into engag­ing and under­stand­able con­tent was the order of the day, which we love.

Here come the Men in Black

Robots are tak­ing over the world in the form of AI and machine learn­ing and we’re here to write about it. One of our inter­na­tion­al clients (fan­cy!) want­ed a blog all about machine learn­ing and its uses for remar­ket­ing. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we’d already got to the end of our research when we realised a machine could have done it for us.

Paperback writer

Not quite but this week we were work­ing with a PR con­sul­tan­cy writ­ing mag­a­zine con­tent on a very sen­si­tive issue. A com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent style of writ­ing that test­ed our skills and made our mums proud.

No rest for the wicked

On top of that, we’ve had client meet­ings, emails and a tone of choco­late but­tons. And on top of, on top of that, it’s been hot.

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