Hello March

January February

Whilst win­ter was hav­ing a leav­ing par­ty at the begin­ning of March, A Way With Words was cel­e­brat­ing a very busy Feb­ru­ary full of blogs, web­sites and networking.


Home to our favourite pair of cow­boy boots (ok, ok, two pairs of cow­boy boots), Texas-based cart aban­don­ment soft­ware provider, Cart­Stack were after a blog on how A/B test­ing could be used to improve email address con­ver­sion rates. Hav­ing already worked with two blog­gers who could­n’t quite get their heads around the require­ments, the stakes were high when we promised to deliv­er clear and under­stand­able copy on this com­plex topic.

Luck­i­ly, we pro­duced a roy­al flush with our fin­ished blog post, with Colton com­ment­ing that:

Niki was able to take an article concept that two other writers had failed to grasp & produce a beautifully finished piece in no time. Very happy to have found A Way With Words.”

The feel­ing is mutu­al Colton!


From Mil­ton Keynes, to Texas to Dubai — This month we were also involved in proof­read­ing the new web­site for a Dubai-based recruit­ment con­sul­tan­cy. Unfor­tu­nate­ly for our flip flops, they did­n’t require a face-to-face ser­vice but nonethe­less, we were able to quick­ly turn around some Eng­lish proof­read­ing and web­site tweaks, in time for their launch date.

City Of Dreams

Back in Mil­ton Keynes, we were work­ing with ongo­ing Client Expand­ly, writ­ing blogs on the lat­est ecom­merce news and writ­ing fea­tures on the top ecom­merce mar­ket­place providers.

We also attend­ed Enter­prise Nation’s Go and Grow Online talk, as well as Entre­pre­neur­ial Spark’s Social Mat­ters talk and net­work­ing event, fea­tur­ing, Kathy Ennis and FNSCreative.

Get Your Motor Running

We were lucky to help New­port Pag­nell Car­ni­val announced the first of their 2018 main are­na enter­tain­ment acts but we’re even more excit­ed adding the final touch­es to the blog announc­ing act #2. Watch this space.

Listen…Do You Want To Know A Secret

Pulling out all of the stops, we also pro­duced a blog piece for a rather large inter­na­tion­al client this month…but more on that next month.

And finally

A Way With Words was busy itself writ­ing blogs on the lat­est Face­book changes, social media man­age­ment tools, bul­let points and, most impor­tant­ly, choco­lates.

February, you’ve been fab! Here’s to a manic March!

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