Temperatures, Excitement and Community Spirits Set to Soar at Newport Pagnell Carnival This Weekend 

The offi­cial sum­mer kick-off is set to be big­ger than ever with two days squeezed full of enter­tain­ment includ­ing the area’s longest parades, world-famous main are­na enter­tain­ment, live music stages, live wrestling, stalls, duck races (spon­sored by Spec­savers), dog shows (spon­sored by Hula), food vans, archery, inflat­a­bles, fun­fair rides, beers tents, the clas­sic car show and plen­ty more. 

Press Release Milton KeynesWatch in awe as the IMPS motor­cy­cle team take cen­tre stage to nav­i­gate hair-rais­ing stunts, bil­low­ing fire jumps and com­plex cross-overs. Sound impres­sive? What about if we told you the rid­ers are aged from just 5 to 16. One man and his dogs will also take to the stage with a fol­low­ing of sheep, geese and will­ing chil­dren as David Sea­mark wows the crowds with his sheep tri­al demon­stra­tions.  

Sam McBrearty, New­port Pag­nell Car­ni­val Chair says: “We’ve got so much lined up for you at this year’s Car­ni­val, I’m los­ing track! We’ve got every­thing to keep adults, kids and kids at heart enter­tained, for the whole week­end. Come along, have some fun, food and drink and sup­port your local com­mu­ni­ty at the same time.” 

New for 2018, the Sun­set Lounge (the place to be on a Thurs­day night) will be tak­ing over the music stage on Sun­day to show­case an unmiss­able set of open mic ses­sions from top local tal­ent. The area’s biggest and longest run­ning car­ni­val will kick off the ‘through the decades’ themed week­end with a com­mu­ni­ty parade (led by Olney Brass) at noon on Sat­ur­day 07 July and con­tin­ue all the way to Sun­day evening Full details are at www.newportpagnellcarnival.com 


12:00 Parade
13:00 River­side Mead­ow & Music Stage Opens
14:00 Imps Motor­cy­cle Dis­play Team
14:40 David Sea­mark Sheep­dog & Sheep Demonstration
15:15 Car­ni­val Trophies
15:30 Imps Motor­cy­cle Dis­play Team
16:10 David Sea­mark Sheep­dog & Sheep Demon­stra­tion 


11:30 Dog Show Reg­is­tra­tion Opens
12:00 Parade
12:30 Dog Show – Wag­gi­est Tail
12:45 Dog Show – Per­fect Pup­py (under 12 months)
13:00 Music Stage Begins and Dog Show – Most Hand­some Hound
13:15 Dog Show – Pret­ti­est Female Pooch
13:30 Dog Show – Finest Gold­en Oldie (7 years and over)
13:45 Dog Show – Best Rescue
14:00 Dog Show – Dog the Judge Would Like to Take Home
14:15 Dog Show – BEST IN SHOW!
14:30 Duck Races Begin 

For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact Niki Tib­ble at pr@newportpagnellcarnival.com or 07709122116. 

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