How We Helped

W.V.J. Elliott had writ­ten her first children’s book and was ready to send it to the publishers.

Niki read the book in its entire­ty and took the time to under­stand W.V.J. Elliott and her vision. Niki then:

– Proof­read both books one and two and dis­cussed and explained all changes with W.V.J. Elliot
– Helped to write the web­site content
– Pro­duced month­ly activities/worksheets for children
– Pro­duced a quar­ter­ly children’s newsletter
– Wrote and sched­uled social media post

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ABOUT W.V.J Elliot

W.V.J. Elliott is the author of the Mal­low­brook Hol­low sto­ries – an enchant­i­ng series of children’s books about dew­bies, drag­on­flies and oth­er fairy­tale folk.