How We Helped

Expand­ly had a spo­radic blog on their web­site and both Face­book and Twit­ter social media accounts, with dai­ly posts sched­uled once a month, link­ing to rel­e­vant / semi-rel­e­vant news content.

Start­ing with research and sit­ting down with Expand­ly, Niki took the time to ful­ly under­stand the online ecom­merce indus­try, the sys­tem and the Expand­ly cus­tomer / poten­tial customer.

Niki works on Expand­ly once a week to:

  • Pro­duce two blog posts per week, with high SEO con­tent (via WordPress)
  • Pro­mote the blog on social media
  • Sched­ule dai­ly social media posts on rel­e­vant news insights, tips and content.
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Expand­ly is a mul­ti­chan­nel man­age­ment soft­ware plat­form that enables small busi­ness­es and char­i­ties to sell from mul­ti­ple online mar­ket­places from one cen­tral location.