How We Helped

The New­port Pag­nell Car­ni­val Com­mit­tee had a rarely used Face­book and Twit­ter account and a new web­site with lit­tle content.
Niki worked with the car­ni­val com­mit­tee to under­stand every­thing that hap­pened behind the scenes and to under­stand the com­mit­tee mem­bers them­selves and each of their roles.

Niki attends the month­ly car­ni­val com­mit­tee meet­ings and:

  • Pro­duces month­ly arti­cles for local press/magazine
  • Pro­duces ad-hoc blog posts on car­ni­val news, updates, infor­ma­tion and pro­mo­tion (via WordPress)
  • Sched­ules bi-week­ly social media posts to pro­mote the carnival
  • Pro­duces event reg­is­tra­tion forms and how-to-guises
  •  Pro­duces the web­site con­tent (via WordPress)
  • Writes and sub­mits press releas­es to local press in the week before and week after the event
  • Pro­duces the Car­ni­val programme
  • Proof­reads con­tent writ­ten by oth­er com­mit­tee members
  • Han­dles all cri­sis man­age­ment communications
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Car­ni­val Website


New­port Pag­nell Car­ni­val is an annu­al com­mu­ni­ty event that is run by a team of 15 and sup­ple­ment­ed by year-round pro­mo­tion and fundraising.