‘Twas the night before deadline, when all through the house,
The keyboard was whirring, with a task mammoth.
The task was clear but the page still bare,
Oh the struggles of writing when you don’t have the flair!
Everyone else all nestled snug in their bed,
Whilst I still had my hands holding onto my head;
Everything that I wrote, all gone to scrap,
Who thought that some writing would cause such a flap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the desk to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
Into my life, a creative content writing service did flow,
And all of my problems it seemed to now know.
The name of the service did quickly appear,
‘A Way With Words’, set to take my problem from here.
A writing service provided, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment that they had the nick.
More rapid than eagles the words they came,
They understood my industry, my product, my aim.
“Now, blog! Now, content! Now, Facebook and Twitter!
On, letters! On, emails! The subject? Don’t matter!
To the top of the search page! To the top of the wall!
SEO, WordPress, Wikipedia, They knew it all!
Why my comms weren’t engaging; they knew just why,
They could make it exciting even when the topic was dry.
My likes they increased, my followers they grew,
And how to top Google was something they knew.
Content already written, was something they’d proof,
Oh the hours I’d wasted, I felt such a goof.
Whatever I needed, they were always around,
Deadlines were met with no need to hound.
Without writing to worry, I increased my output,
And didn’t need to worry with new content afoot.
On what I was good at, my focus now back,
With A Way With Words to keep me right back on track.
Their words — how they twinkled! Their styles — how many!
From serious, to funny, exciting to merry!
They invested the time, so about the business they did know,
Oh I wished that I’d used them, long, long ago!
Context, keywords and links all worked underneath,
Boy, what clever writing A Way With Words did bequeath.
Jokes that were needed, would tickle my belly,
But if formality required; good enough for the telly.
Churning out words, working hard like an elf,
The content produced made me pleased with myself.
Background and context were all inter-thread,
And the love for our words was soon outspread.
They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work,
Each sentence they wrote had an illustrious quirk.
To my task mammoth, they quickly arose,
And produced beautifully worded and charming prose.
Anything I needed, I just had to whistle,
And it would all be completed as quick as a missile.
So to A Way With Words with any writing plight: