T’Was The Night Before Deadline

Twas the night before dead­line, when all through the house,
The key­board was whirring, with a task mammoth.
The task was clear but the page still bare,
Oh the strug­gles of writ­ing when you don’t have the flair!

Every­one else all nes­tled snug in their bed,
Whilst I still had my hands hold­ing onto my head;
Every­thing that I wrote, all gone to scrap,
Who thought that some writ­ing would cause such a flap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the desk to see what was the matter.
Away to the win­dow I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shut­ters and threw up the sash.

Into my life, a cre­ative con­tent writ­ing ser­vice did flow,
And all of my prob­lems it seemed to now know.
The name of the ser­vice did quick­ly appear,
‘A Way With Words’, set to take my prob­lem from here.

A writ­ing ser­vice pro­vid­ed, so live­ly and quick,
I knew in a moment that they had the nick.
More rapid than eagles the words they came,
They under­stood my indus­try, my prod­uct, my aim.

Now, blog! Now, con­tent! Now, Face­book and Twitter!
On, let­ters! On, emails! The sub­ject? Don’t matter!
To the top of the search page! To the top of the wall!
SEO, Word­Press, Wikipedia, They knew it all!

Why my comms weren’t engag­ing; they knew just why,
They could make it excit­ing even when the top­ic was dry.
My likes they increased, my fol­low­ers they grew,
And how to top Google was some­thing they knew.

Con­tent already writ­ten, was some­thing they’d proof,
Oh the hours I’d wast­ed, I felt such a goof.
What­ev­er I need­ed, they were always around,
Dead­lines were met with no need to hound.

With­out writ­ing to wor­ry, I increased my output,
And didn’t need to wor­ry with new con­tent afoot.
On what I was good at, my focus now back,
With A Way With Words to keep me right back on track.

Their words — how they twin­kled! Their styles — how many!
From seri­ous, to fun­ny, excit­ing to merry!
They invest­ed the time, so about the busi­ness they did know,
Oh I wished that I’d used them, long, long ago!

Con­text, key­words and links all worked underneath,
Boy, what clever writ­ing A Way With Words did bequeath.
Jokes that were need­ed, would tick­le my belly,
But if for­mal­i­ty required; good enough for the telly.

Churn­ing out words, work­ing hard like an elf,
The con­tent pro­duced made me pleased with myself.
Back­ground and con­text were all inter-thread,
And the love for our words was soon outspread.

They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work,
Each sen­tence they wrote had an illus­tri­ous quirk.
To my task mam­moth, they quick­ly arose,
And pro­duced beau­ti­ful­ly word­ed and charm­ing prose.

Any­thing I need­ed, I just had to whistle,
And it would all be com­plet­ed as quick as a missile.
So to A Way With Words with any writ­ing plight:

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