While reminiscing about shiny shoes, new pens and enviable pencil cases, we’ve been busy this back-to-school week with blog writing, article creation, error messages and more.
Whoops, there’s been an error
Ecommerce software provider, Expandly, is always tweaking its product to ensure 100% customer satisfaction and this week it was looking at its error messages.
Spilt milk, cold tea, forgetting to buy dinner – we all know that errors occur but how we handle them can be the difference between “no problem” and “see ya”.
This week we helped Milton Keynes based Expandly re-word its error and success messages, making a success out of both.
Blog it like it’s hot
Literally. We’ve been in India this week, carrying out our blog writing service in the hot, hot heat. This time, we were working on Expandly’s monthly ecommerce news roundup. It’s a mammoth task but one that keeps their customers up-to-date and coming back for me.
Ticket to ride
Running and cycling to work is hot and Milton Keynes based GrowthDeck wants to talk about it. We’ve been writing an article on exactly why active commuting is becoming popular and how investors can benefit.
The article is still peddling, but in the meantime, you can read our previous GrowthDeck blog on why you never need to quadruple check you remembered the tickets ever again.
Beyond me, the charity platform empowering future leaders to be generous today wanted big chunks of descriptive texts about their projects, condensed into 280-character tweets. Challenging, fun and insightful – we loved working on this project and can’t wait to share it.
Is this something you can do?
Of course it is! This week we’ve received enquiries about blogs, speaking events and copywriting for clients as far as Vegas – red 23.
Have a great weekend