Postess With The Mostest: The Best Social Media Management Tools

Social Media Management Facebook Twitter

Reg­u­lar social media posts should be a part of your dai­ly con­tent plan but log­ging into each plat­form, each day, can be a time-con­sum­ing pain. Luck­i­ly, sched­ul­ing exists and we’re here to explain more. 

Social Media Management

Sched­ul­ing social media posts allows you to draft con­tent and set a future date and time for release. It enables you to work to a social media cal­en­dar and to ded­i­cate time each week/month to plan your posts and tweets; sav­ing you time. There are mul­ti­ple ways to sched­ule and man­age your social media con­tent and we’ve round­ed up the top four here:


The Face­book sched­uler is built into the plat­form itself (both the web­site and pages man­ag­er app). Sim­ply cre­ate your post and select the arrow next to Pub­lish to set a future date and time for release. You can man­age all of your sched­uled posts under the Pub­lish­ing Tools sec­tion. 

With Face­book you can also view your posts’ ana­lyt­ics, add mul­ti­ple user admins to your page and pay to pro­mote your posts. 


Twit­ter For Busi­ness users can also sched­ule their tweets. Cre­ate your tweet via the Cre­atives tab and sched­ule a future deliv­ery date and time, as well as man­aged all pre-sched­uled tweets here. 

Much like Face­book, Twit­ter For Busi­ness pro­vides your with ana­lyt­i­cal insights, mul­ti­ple users and to oppor­tu­ni­ty to pay for pro­mo­tion­al tweets. 

Face­book and Twit­ter’s tools are great but what if you have mul­ti­ple social media accounts and log­ging into each one indi­vid­u­al­ly to sched­ule con­tent is a bit of a drag?


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Found­ed in 2008, in moun­tain­ous Van­cou­ver, Hoot­suite is the most wide­ly used social media man­age­ment plat­form, with over 16 mil­lion users. 

Get­ting start­ed is sim­ple with a 30 day free tri­al to explore its top fea­tures, such as:

  • Man­ag­ing mul­ti­ple social media profiles
  • Sched­ul­ing posts
  • Mul­ti­ple users, with cus­tom per­mis­sion lev­els and the abil­i­ty to del­e­gate tasks
  • Cus­tomer URLs
  • Ana­lyt­ics reporting
  • App access
  • Con­tent curator
  • Dif­fer­ent cal­en­dar views



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Found­ed in 2010, in indus­tri­ous Birm­ing­ham, Buffer is a dis­trib­uted SM man­age­ment plat­form, with over 4 mil­lion users. 

Also offer­ing a free plan and tri­al, Buffer pro­vides you with the fol­low­ing highlights:

  • Man­ag­ing mul­ti­ple social media pro­files, from Face­book to Twit­ter, Insta­gram and Pinterest
  • Advanced social media scheduling
  • Mul­ti­ple social accounts
  • Mul­ti­ple users, with cus­tom per­mis­sion lev­els and the abil­i­ty to del­e­gate tasks
  • Engage­ment track­ing and reporting
  • App access and brows­er extensions
  • Image cre­ator
  • Cal­en­dar views

Our ver­dict? Try them all. With free tri­als and plans avail­able, it pays to try them all and see what works best for you and your busi­ness. Or, alter­na­tive­ly, get some­one else to man­age your social media com­plete­ly, allow­ing you to con­cen­trate on the things that you’re good at. 


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